Friday - Week In Review

So happy it's Friday! I've got so much fun stuff to look at from this past week. That ups the ante for getting the articles released, and ups the number of articles that require art. Luckily, I've got access to a talented pool of artists. Check out what went live this week: Warlord Essentials. Artist: David Rapoza. I love working with David. He hits the concept well, he gets the IP and where I'm trying to go with the characters. We has a great knack of giving the pieces life and energy. I hate Jeremy Jarvis for snatching him up so quickly for Magic. David... come away from the light! Hint: If you want to get noticed by Jeremy... do stellar work for D&D, let us fall in love with you, and he will come knocking on your door. It happens all too often. Roles: Defenders. Artist: Alex Aparin. Alex is a new find for me. I just started working with him this month. I found his submission in ArtDrop, and was happily floored when I received his first illustration for D&D.

I waited all of about 5 minutes before I showed him off to the rest of the D&D AD's... and hoped that Jeremy wouldn't notice him right away. Class Acts: Wizard. Artist: Sarah Stone. I started working with Sarah last month, and haven't regretted it for a moment. She brings a very fresh look and feel to D&D. All of the other D&D art directors were amazed that I took a chance on her. Not because she didn't have skill and talent, but rather because her portfolio had such an anime look to it. I was confident she could hit what I was looking for when I saw what she was doing for Sarah Robinson over a Paizo Publishing. Hit it she has. Power Play: Martial Power. Artist: Tyler Jacobson. I was introduced to Tyler through Irene Gallo at Tor Books, and I have enjoyed our burgeoning relationship since that day. He has several images in this months issue... I love Deva piece he did for Power Play: Divine, but you'll have to wait to see that one.